We strive to provide Practical and Effective solutions to problems!


  • Act as a mediator between credit providers and over indebted consumers. With the law on our side.
  • We have a great legal team to assist us in all our matters and assist us with our clients needs
  • We have an excellent accountant how knows the law and assist all our clients
  • We also have brokers available to assist with other financial matters.

What we look at

  • The repayment plan will suit your budget
  • Your basic living expenses will be covered
  • NO extra fees – our fee are INCLUDED in the repayment plan
  • No new ITC listing will take place except the “under debt review” listing (you get a clearance certificate after DC)
  • Start the process of achieving financial freedom
  • NO repossession of assets (as long as you pay your monthly payment for Debt Review)

How do you know you are over indebted ???


  1. You have missed you car/house/credit card/medical/insurance payments
  2. You take out one loan to pay off another
  3. You use one credit card to pay off another
  4. You start to lend money from family members and can not pay them back
  5. You fight with your wife/husband about everything and anything but it all comes back to finances
  6. You avoid your bills
  7. You avoid all calls relating to you debt
  8. Sleepless nights

Taking a look at DEBT STRESS

Worrying about debt is a extremely common source of stress in most peoples lives. With half of all credit users in South Africa 3 months behind on some of their debt repayments this is one of the most common causes of stress. One of the reasons why debt is so stressful is that it is often a cause of worry for a very long time period. unlike other things like a car accident, a death in the family or divorce dealing with debt can be a ongoing situation that lasts for decades. According to Kelly McGonigal, who is a health psychologist at Stanford university: “Our bodies are designed to respond to … ‘emergencies’ and bounce back, whereas owing money can become completely inescapable.” Several studies have shown that people who have bonds to pay off (normally over decades) generally require more medical health care over time. Also the way that credit providers go about collecting debt can be a source of stress. Scary letters and harassing SMS or visits from dodgy looking people who embarrass you or invade your private space and threaten more and more trouble, if we don’t pay, are all designed to stress us into paying no matter what


Many consumers who are under financial pressure to make ends meet make poor decisions about their debt. For some who are in a massive debt hole they somehow think taking on more debt will help. Others make poor budgeting decisions every single month. Often consumers who come to Debt Counsellors or Debt Advisers for help will be fending off repeated stressful calls from collections agents all day long on their credit cards but will also be spending lots of money on satellite TV, multiple mobile phone contracts or be paying for other peoples debts rather than their own. Talking to a neutral professional, like a Debt Counsellor or Debt Adviser can be a real eye opener. More than that there are options like sequestration or debt review built into the countries laws which can help reduce your debt and thus reduce your debt stress.

What we offer for the monthly installment p/p per month agreed on

  • Debt Advise
  • Debt Counselling
  • Sequestration
  • Liquidation
  • Legal advice on any legal matters
  • Divorce advice
  • Family law advice
  • Retrenchment assistance
  • Rehabilitation from sequestration
  • Budgeting advice
  • Brokers available for advice on pension, old and new policies
  • Accountant available for advice and assistance
  • Stress management about debt
  • Group sessions in dealing with Debt
  • Individual session
  • Helping you with Garnishee orders
  • We even have a Health/Safety and compliance practitioner available for advice and assistance

We give you something back p/p per month as agreed on

  • Assist us in the HR office (payments)
  • Supplying us with all the contact details
  • (Name, Surname, Cell number, Email)
  • Proof of payment per month (list)